独栋别墅设计-Single-family villa design
[ 编辑:图时代 | 时间:2023-01-28 11:28:06 | 浏览:364次 | 来源:https://architizer.com/ | 作者:邦克建筑师 ]


三个 U 形服务元素阐明了这个扩展底层的平面图。第一个模块包括入口壁橱、厨房、餐厅橱柜、壁炉和图书馆的元素。第二个模块包括浴室、步入式衣柜和通向阁楼房间的主要垂直循环。第三个模块包含衣柜和浴室。一个大的屋顶覆盖并统一了建筑物。它呈现出一个刻面体积的外观,一块沉重的岩石,平衡在构成立面的脆弱木钉上

House renovations and extensions

The existing house was built on a diamond-shaped plot with little direct relationship to the garden and left a lot of surplus space. The project called for doubling the living area, restoring the relationship with the different parts of the garden, occupying its limits.

Two extensions were built on either side of the existing building. The first one, on the south side, provides a wider front that favors the existing large tree. The second, facing northeast, establishes a relationship with the flat area of the garden and forms a visual boundary with the street.

Three U-shaped service elements articulate the floor plan of this extended ground floor. The first module includes elements for the entrance closet, kitchen, dining cabinet, fireplace and library. The second module contains the bathroom, walk-in wardrobe and the main vertical circulation leading to the attic room. The third module contains the wardrobe and bathroom. A large roof covers and unifies the building. It presents the appearance of a faceted volume, a heavy rock balanced on the fragile wooden studs that make up the facade

转自:House in Commugny by bunq architectes - Architizer

上一篇:风景如画的林间别墅-High-end villas in the mountains
下一篇:现代风格的独栋别墅-Modern style detached villa
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