极致的现代极简风格装修效果图-The ultimate modern minimalist style decoration renderings
[ 编辑:图时代 | 时间:2023-01-29 19:42:04 | 浏览:606次 ]



The decoration style has obvious fashion trends, such as simple decoration or minimalist decoration style has gradually evolved into a minimalist decoration style, and it is a popular trend now. There is an obvious difference between minimalist decoration style and simple decoration or simple decoration. For example, simple decoration mainly focuses on decoration cost, emphasizing cost performance and practical value. As for the minimalist decoration style, although it looks simple on the surface, in fact, the cost and cost are not low, especially in terms of decoration technology and materials. Therefore, whether it is decoration labor costs, materials and customization fees will be high In the usual simple decoration. The furniture and accessories matched in the later stage are more particular.

     This is a set of interior renderings that are more minimal than the common minimalist style interior design. Although it is not universally representative, it can be appreciated as a reference work.

上一篇:极简风格效果图一套-A set of minimalist style renderings
下一篇:时尚小庭院设计-stylish small garden design
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